Tuesdays, 9:30 am Women's Bible Study in the Fireside Room--Contact Twilah Kaldenberg
Fridays, 6:00 am, Men's Breakfast and Bible study, Fellowship Hall--Contact Dave Paxton
Saturdays, 8:30 am Women's Bible Study in the Fireside Room--Contact Morgan Henderson
Prayer Shawl Ministry-Trinity Quilters
We meet every Wednesday at 1pm to make prayer shawls for those in the hospital, new babies, loss of a loved one, or for encouragement. We pray a blessing over each shawl.
Comfort Quilters
Every Tuesday at 9:00 am -- Contact Lea DeBruin
Home and Hospital Visits
If interested in being assigned to a homebound member or calling the hospital, contact the church for more information. If you are already doing this, let us know who you regularly visit.